Monday, August 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: New 039 Breathalyzer 039 Will Soon Detect Lung Cancer

HTTP:: New 039 Breathalyzer 039 Will Soon Detect Lung Cancer
Experts from the Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, have recently announced that they are working on a new electronic nose that will have the ability to detect early signs of lung cancer, before the disease advances far enough to show up on conventional viewing methods such as X-rays and MRI. Relying on the power of gold nanoparticles, the new biosensor will be advanced enough to isolate and identify all the compounds that are released from the lungs once cancer starts setting in. This approach will hopefully provide oncologists with a new strategy in fighting the diseases. The earlier on it's identified, the higher the chances that aggressive treatments won't be needed. Healthcare experts could thus have more options at their disposal, outside chemotherapy, or the removal of large amounts of lung tissue. Technology Review reports that the new device has already proven itself to be more promising than any other similar instruments thus far constructed. All of thes!
e instruments analyze biomarker chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which form inside the lungs, and which we breathe out regularly. The thing is that these elements are in such low concentrations, that they are extremely difficult to detect. Previous methods of detecting them relied on boosting their concentrat...
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