Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Wedding of the Year

HTTP:: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Wedding of the Year
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, whose romance has, so far, somewhat mirrored the love story of their characters in “Twilight,” Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, are thinking of getting married and have already started hammering out the details. At least, that’s what the cover of the upcoming OK! Magazine issue seems to hint, deliberately not distinguishing between the actors and the characters. As Twilighters must already know, this is the third consecutive cover OK! dedicates to Robert and Kristen and, just like the other two, this one too also makes no difference between the real-life stars and the fictional characters. In other words, it is conceived in such a way as to lead fans to believe that they’re reading about the two stars when, in fact, they might be learning more details of the wedding in the story. “Twilight Wedding: OK! gives you the intricate details of the upcoming big-screen ceremony, based on imagery in Stephenie Meyer’s cult vampire ser!
ies. And just like in old Hollywood, a real-life wedding might not be far off â€" so far, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s relationship has mirrored Edward and Bella’s.” OK! says of the upcoming issue. However, while the text does shed some light on what the issue will includ...
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