Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Men Turn Deaf to Requests of Cleaning Up

HTTP:: Men Turn Deaf to Requests of Cleaning Up
There seems to be some secret understanding according to which women must do most of the chores around the house, while the men handle things like changing a light bulb, fixing the drain and occasionally cooking a meal. Still, no matter how much men have evolved in terms of sharing chores with their partners, the one thing that has not changed is their aversion to them, a recent poll cited by the Daily Mail reveals. Conducted by Spontex in the UK, the recent poll has uncovered a well-known, even if often ignored truth: men find housecleaning just as boring as most women do. The only difference is that, while the latter see it as their duty in some way, the former couldn’t care less about who gets upset if they fulfill their obligations around the house. Moreover, as the poll reveals, men would resort to literally any method to get out of a tricky situation â€" which usually implies them dusting â€" including pretending not to hear what they’ve been told, and turning to!
flattery and employing hiding “techniques.” Aside from the now-usual excuses of feeling ill, having work to do, or the highly popular “you do it so much better than me” line, an overwhelming majority of queried men (59 percent) admits to plainly pretending not to hear when its help is asked for aroun...

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