Friday, July 17, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Amazing iPhone 3G S App Finds Nearest Subway via Camera and Compass

HTTP:: Amazing iPhone 3G S App Finds Nearest Subway via Camera and Compass
A hybrid collective company combining rockstar application and game developers with corporate infrastructure going by the name of acrossair has submitted New York Nearest Subway, an application specifically tailored for the capabilities of the new iPhone 3G S. Described as being one of the first augmented reality apps to go live in the App Store, New York Nearest Subway aims to fill the gap left by “boring 2D tube maps,” by telling New Yorkers where their nearest subway station is via their iPhone's video function. “When you load the app, holding it flat, all 33 lines of the New York Subway are displayed in coloured arrows,” the company explains. “By tilting the phone upwards, you will see the nearest stations: what direction they are in relation to your location, how many miles away they are and what lines they are on. If you continue to tilt the phone upwards, you will see stations further away, as stacked icons.” As you would imagine, New York Nearest Subw!
ay uses the iPhone 3G S' built-in digital compass too, besides the video camera, so you can't get this functionality on a first-generation iPhone, or on an iPhone 3G. “acrossair is working with companies to take advantage of the Apple iPhone platform for everyth...

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