Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Obesity Triggers Cancer Epidemic

HTTP:: Obesity Triggers Cancer Epidemic
Being severely overweight or obese is naturally not a good thing, but recent studies have finally placed a number on the correlation between body weight and the incidence of cancer. According to the papers, no less than 124,000 of the new cancer cases that appear every year are caused by improper and unhealthy weight. The new modeling study, which was performed in Europe, focused on a body mass index (BMI) of 25kg/m2. Women in central European countries such as the Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovenia and Bulgaria were the most affected population segment, the study also found. “As more people stop smoking and fewer women take hormone replacement therapy, it is possible that obesity may become the biggest attributable cause of cancer in women within the next decade,” Dr. Andrew Renehan, a senior lecturer in cancer studies and surgery at the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom, shared at the 15th congress of the European CanCer Organization, and the 34th congress!
of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ECCO 15 â€" ESMO 34). The meetings took place Thursday, September 24, in Berlin, Germany. “I must emphasize that we are trying not to be sensationalist about this. These are very conservative estimates, and it's quite likely that the numbers are, in fact, ...
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