Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: The Last Stand Coming to Dawn of War 2

HTTP:: The Last Stand Coming to Dawn of War 2
Relic has announced that it plans to out a new piece of downloadable content for its earlier released Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 videogame.This one will not consist only of maps for multiplayer and more options related to the match but of an entirely new game mode, called The Last Stand, which allows players to join others and then fight continuous waves of enemies until they are dead. The new DLC is set to arrive in October.It's pretty much taking about the Horde mode from Gears of War 2 and implementing it in a real-time tactics title. Gamers will be able to choose to play a Space Marine Captain very similar to the Apothecary, an Ork Mekboy or an Eldar Farseer and will fight up to 20 waves of enemies.They start out small enough but once players get past sixth level the toughness of the enemies goes up, with Warp Spiders, Stormboyz and Tyrants assaulting your position. Every fourth wave also includes an enemy commander, making the assault extra difficult. As enemies a!
re being defeated, points are gained by the team defending.Players are able to revive each other, with the experience over when all three are down and the game rewards players depending on how well they do. Taking control points brings extra points and the time needed to take out a wave is factored in. All of them can be...
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