Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: YouTube Reaches Licensing Agreement in the UK

HTTP:: YouTube Reaches Licensing Agreement in the UK
YouTube's future and financial viability may be looking up, but it still has a lot of snags to take care of along the way. One issue that was causing UK users a great deal of irritation, while also costing YouTube a pretty penny in potential advertising revenue, was the licensing deal with UK's PRS for Music, which ended in spring and wasn't renewed, as Google was looking for better terms. YouTube and the licensing body have currently reached an agreement that satisfies both parties and YouTube should now return to its regular “programing schedule.” “YouTube is a popular online video destination, and this new licence continues to support musical talent,” Andrew Shaw, managing director of broadcast and online at PRS for Music, said. “This is an achievement for songwriters, composers and the YouTube community alike and it reinforces the value of our members’ work.”“We are extremely pleased to have reached an agreement with PRS for Music and look forward to the!
return of premium music videos to YouTube in the UK where they will join a variety of other content to be enjoyed by our British users,” Patrick Walker, YouTube’s director of video partnerships, added. Five months ago, all licensed videos were taken d...
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