Monday, September 21, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: The Yakuza 3 Dragon Branching Out

HTTP:: The Yakuza 3 Dragon Branching Out
All those gaijins yearning for that oriental flavor in gaming are about to get some good news. Sega representative Aaron Webbber stated just a few days ago that the possibility of an American release was still very possible and the subject was often brought up at the Sega HQ. The currently PlayStation 3 exclusive is rumored to be localized for release in the U.S. and European markets. This news comes through gaming site, which relays the information that sources close to the project let slip. Although not the official press release many were hoping for, it's still enough for a beacon of hope. Whether the game ends up being published by Sega or some other company it has been flirting with remains to bee seen. The title follows the adventure of Kazuma Kiryu that takes place mostly in Kamurocho, which bears a very close likeness to real-life Tokyo. Parts of the game will also take place in Okinawa, which developers think will be perfect to relay the resort and trop!
ical-island atmosphere needed. "Okinawa has its own unique atmosphere and taste, and it's perfectly normal to see foreigners strolling around it. It's got its own sense of depth you can't find in the big city, and it's also got its darker side. People mainly have a sunny and bright image of Okinawa, but when we started to consider the ot...
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