Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: NASA Creates Electromagnetic Propulsion System Prototype

HTTP:: NASA Creates Electromagnetic Propulsion System Prototype
At the Space 2009 Conference, held this week in Pasadena, California, engineers at the American space agency NASA have revealed the fact that they have successfully completed the construction work on their first electromagnetic propulsion system. Rather than relying on a rocket, the new device is only made up of a linear motor and a ramjet engine. The team behind the project also says that this would be the first system to fly beyond the sound barrier using a ramjet engine, arXiv reports. Although ideas related to this type of propulsion systems have been around for about 63 years, it was only in the late 1990s that officials at the agency started paying more attention to them. Using the linear method means that no rockets and solid/liquid fuel mixes will be needed again. Chemical reactions will no longer be the method of choice for delivering vehicles to orbit. Additionally, vast amounts of fuel will stop occupying most cargo space on even the largest rockets, which mean!
s that more advanced space technologies could be researched in the near future. Essentially, in the new system, a spacecraft is tethered to a track or rail, and is then accelerated by an electric motor to supersonic speed. “Linear motors are basically electric motors unwound. There are two groups of coils and an alumin...
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