Friday, September 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Half of Women Are Addicted to Shopping Survey Shows

HTTP:: Half of Women Are Addicted to Shopping Survey Shows
There still are many who believe that women’s compulsive need to buy something new is the stuff that myths are made of and that all so-called shopaholics wouldn’t have a problem to speak of if they only kept themselves in check. Still, the problem is widespread, even if it doesn’t manifest in all women in the same manner: a recent survey shows that half of the women in the UK can’t go through a single day without buying something new, the Daily Mail informs. The reason why so many women want to spend money on a daily basis, researchers say, is that it gives them a “high,” an “adrenaline rush” that is so strong that not even rationalizations such as the lack of money, the need to be on a budget or the very uselessness of the object purchased seem to function. Thus, women learn they “have” to buy something new, even if it’s something as insignificant as bread, milk, shampoo or something with a little more value like a new pair of shoes or a fancy dress!
. “The poll of 5,347 women revealed every week the average shopaholic will spend money they don’t actually have on a fast food lunch, chocolate, beauty products, nice shampoo, make up and accessories. More than half of those polled (53 per cent) admitted it didn’t matt...
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