Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Effective Weight Loss Strategies

HTTP:: Effective Weight Loss Strategies
Staying in the weight-loss game can be quite a tricky and, at times, downright difficult thing to do, if efficient strategies are not employed. However, this may be something that not all of us are aware of, which is why Men’s Health came up with the idea of gathering advice from the best experts on the ten most successful weight-loss strategies. As the popular magazine puts it, there are researchers whose main job is that of analyzing and studying weight-loss theories so that we, the regular folks, be able to focus entirely on the actual losing of the extra pounds. To accomplish anything in life, no matter what it is, one needs a good strategy, Men’s Health says, and a good, first choice might be that of constantly weighing yourself. This is far from the discouraging act it was once believed to be, several studies showing that it actually helps motivate people to lose more weight. Avoiding images of food is another great way of staying in shape, as a study shows th!
at seeing food triggers in the brain a “feed me” response. This means steering clear of ads on television or even cooking programs might help curb cravings, Men’s Health says. Praying is another successful, weight-loss strategy, the mag adds, even if we might fail to see a connection between the two at first. Yet, studies pr...
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