Friday, September 11, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Crysis Running on the iPhone Thanks to AMD 039 s DirectX 11 GPUs

HTTP:: Crysis Running on the iPhone Thanks to AMD 039 s DirectX 11 GPUs
The iPhone, Apple's entrance in the world of mobiles and handhelds, is one of the world's most popular devices, having already reached its 3rd generation. Crysis is also one of the most popular products in its category, being considered a benchmark for new computer hardware, due to its strong visual requirements. On that note, the two products have recently come together as part of an AMD demonstration that has been intended to provide the audience with a perspective on how much power its next-generation GPU architecture is going to deliver. To be more exact, AMD's upcoming DirectX 11 graphics cards have been used to demonstrate how Crysis can run on Apple's iPhone. According to a recent news article on Ars Technica, the Sunnyvale, California-based chip maker has recently held a press event, showcasing some of the performance capabilities of its next-generation GPUs, the much-anticipated Radeon HD 5800-series. The chip maker has been accompanied by a series of software par!
tners, among which there has been OTOY, a company that has demoed Crysis running on the iPhone. As a quick reminder, AMD's next-generation GPUs are expected to provide users with a considerable number of new features, including the capability to deliver 2.5 teraFLOPS of floating-point power. In addition, the new card w...
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