Friday, August 28, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Roman Bronze Horse Head Found in German Well

HTTP:: Roman Bronze Horse Head Found in German Well
Historians knew that the Romans maintained a strong presence in what is now Germany during the peak of their empire, but a new find seems to prove that their level of establishment in the region was a lot higher than first though. At the bottom of a well in the renowned archaeological site Waldgirmes â€" an ancient Roman town â€" diggers discovered a statue fragment depicting a full-size horse head, adorned with gold leafs. Such a luxurious object could have only belonged to a man of great importance for the Empire, historians believe. Their hypothesis was immediately confirmed, when further investigations uncovered another part of the statue, featuring the foot of a Roman senator, judging by its sandals. Experts say that the horse head, which is cast in heavy bronze and weighs about 25 kilograms, was most likely a part of a mount for this famous man, as it is known that most Roman statues depicting leaders were immortalized on top of their respective horses. The newly fou!
nd artifact is the most well-preserved such bronze statue dating back from Roman time in the world, ScienceNow reports. In the rich trappings that adorn the 50-centimeter-long horse head, archaeologists have discovered a carving of Mars, the Roman god of war. This find hints at the fact that the person that the entire statue dep...
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