Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Cellular Level View of Electro Stimulated Brain Obtained

HTTP:: Cellular Level View of Electro Stimulated Brain Obtained
For decades, doctors and researchers have used electricity to study or treat the human brain. Such investigations have led to the discovery of important centers in the cortex, such as the motor center and the pleasure one. Some treatments for conditions such as Parkinson's and even depression have been developed from electro-stimulation, but scientists have always lacked a thorough understanding of precisely why this type of therapy works. Now, a team finally manages to observe cellular-level interactions inside the brain, when it is stimulated with electricity, ScienceDaily reports. The innovation, which was achieved by a Harvard Medical School (HMS) team of experts led by Neurobiology Professor Clay Reid, was made possible by the use of an optical imaging technology known as two-photon microscopy (TPM). This allowed the researchers to circumvent the greatest problems associated with measuring the neurons' electrical signals. In previous studies, it became obvious that i!
dentifying the weak electrical current generated by the neurons themselves was extremely difficult when high-voltage currents were applied onto the brain. But TPM seems to have helped the Harvard science team surpass this obstacle. “When you are stimulating electrically you are using relatively high voltages, and those...
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